Saturday, February 27, 2010

Moving on up!

I am really enjoying having my booth at Third Coast Antiques. In fact, I am enjoying it so much that today, I opened a booth in the shop that is two doors down - Betty's Trash to Treasures Too. This second one is a tiny booth.

It needed a little TLC. Do you agree? The first thing I did was take a crow bar and bust down that ugly lattice panel. The shop owner said that I was the first person that she had ever seen setting up their booth with a crow bar. I think I am really going to like working with her.

I like the fact that the booth has electricity. I'll just have to ignore the ugly wires.

I designed the bookshelf and my husband helped me put it together. He wasn't able to help me set it up, so I made 3 of the shelves adjustable so that they could be removed so the darn thing wouldn't be so heavy.

One of the shelves has Alice in Wonderland related items, one has Coca Cola glasses, one of the shelves has bird and nature items, and one of the shelves barely has anything.

It was hard to visualize just how much I could fit in. I will go back on Wednesday and take more goodies. I am sure that I can fit LOTS more in there.
I sold over $100 in my Third Coast booth just this morning. *doing a happy dance* I will try to take a nice load with me. February has been very good.


Carina said...

In your new booth, paint the cord so that it more closely matches the wall color and it will be much less noticeable. You don't need a perfect match, close is good enough.

Attic Rat said...

Ooops! Blogger cut off the edges of my picture. You can't see the tangled mess of wires just to the right. It looks kind of like the snake pit from Raiders of the Lost Ark. (I don't like the dark green wire either, but it's not the eyesore the tangled mess is)

Lara Harris said...

I just wanted to let you know I have 2 more issues of Flea Market Style that I am giving away on my blog:

Lara :)

Cindy said...

LOve that little shabby yellow table! Wicked cute! Your booth is looking pretty good gurlie!
